Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA
In this blog, I hope to write about my personal thoughts regarding psychic abilities, spirituality, counseling, and anything that comes to mind including news of my career and activities. I might also express my own theories on various subjects or just my unrelated random thoughts. This page is only written and maintained by myself. - B Hunter
April/May, 2013
I have been spending lots of time in England visiting and studying the 1000 year old churches and the souls entombed within their floors and walls. The highlight has been 2 days spent inside Westminster Abbey where I touched and viewed the tombs and coffins of the Kings and Queens of England. I was able to connect and sense the energy of them. I have had several amazing spiritual moments where I have been touched by Saints had their energy surround me. I feel this is part of my growth toward a Healer.
April 1, 2012
I am honored to be named Psychic Of The Month for April 2012 by Best American Psychics. It's been a pleasure be associated with such a great organization.
February 1, 2012
Brian has been listed as one of the Top 40 Most Trusted Psychics in the world (from a pool of over 850) in a new book by Maximillien de Lafayette and UFO's & Supernatual Magazine, and to be listed in other books and publications as well. These books are available on and directly from UFO's & Supernatural Magazine.
April 11, 2011
The new Missing Peace TV show episode is out. We worked on the Norma Lopez murder case in Moreno Valley, California in the Los Angeles area. Watch the full episode HERE.
April 4, 2011
Now in the beginning I was presented with my cute little newly born furry friend
I was "told" I would have 15 years
and then I would lose him
and they asked me if I agreed to that
I said yes I agree
15 years is a lifetime away so who cares...I agree
The years went by. 15 years in fact
He became old and sick
I knew the end was coming but I still enjoyed him
I asked if I could have another year
they said no
I said well what if I offer you this money Mr. Vet, can you give me 6 more months
they can do what you want but you can't buy more time
then it came that I thought I had only a day or some hours left
I had him laying at my side the entire time as my remaining time suddenly had become more valuable
I enjoyed him
then I carried him and put his mostly limp body on my bed for us to sleep
and I thought I had hours
then I said....can I have more time please
and they said no
I said....but it was 15 years....what is another day?
another day is nothing
why can't I have it?
and the answer was.....your time has expired
you used your time
and I said...come on....its been 15 years...can't you give me a few more hours?
I received no answer
then I woke up in the night with him dying
I said....
can I have 5 more minutes..
and they said no
your time has expired
and I said....come on it was 15 years, so what is another 5 minutes...
they said....your time is over
then I knew he was dying or dead
and I said...
please....can I have 3 more seconds
just 3 seconds to feel his fur
I was 15 YEARS
what is only 3 more seconds???
and they said....sorry...your time has expired
and he was dead
and I mourned. my time was expired.
because 15 years turned into only another 3 seconds
because eventually our time with those we love expires
and when it expires it means there is no more
not even 1 second
no more at all
I used all my time. I used the last second. Then I had none left.
- B. Hunter
March 6, 2011
So we have finished filming another episode of Missing Peace TV series. We worked on the Norma Lopez murder case in the Moreno Valley area just outside Los Angeles. This was a difficult case but we ended up with some exciting results which I can't talk about yet. It was an honor to meet such a wonderful family and work toward getting justice for Norma and peace for the family. There is going to be so much more to say about all this but I have to keep it zipped for now. But I will end by saying that his case and episode will show some amazing things rarely shown on TV.
February 18, 2011
When requesting a reading from a psychic, it's helpful to keep some things in mind.
The temptation of course is always to ask questions like "Will I get a new job next month?", "Will I ever get rich?", "Are my parents going to buy me a car?", and so get the idea. Now sometimes we as psychics actually do get a good feeling about a good answer for the above questions. But mostly, these questions are difficult because they involve the actions of other people, or they involve ever changing events, or they involve things that we can only guess at (like the lottery question). Also, when trying to see into the future, you have to keep in mind that the future is always changing due to many external events. So for example, if I told you today that I feel you will get that new job next week, and then tomorrow you get arrested for a crime...well then obviously my prediction I made will be no good due to changing events.
With all that said above, the better questions to ask a psychic are matter of guidance. For example, you might be better off asking "Do you think I have a better change at getting job A or job B?", or "Do you think I have a better chance of getting rich if I stay here in do A, or if I move here and do B?", or questions like that. A psychic is much better at giving advice guidance on various choices, because if you give us a list of choices, we almost always get very strong feelings on one of the choices more then the others. Then you can take that psychic guidance and go with it as you will. That is a good way to get much better psychic advice rather then asking a psychic for basically a guess on some future event that is totally out of control and can change 5 minutes from now.
Taking it one step further, it is even better to make your own choices, but ask the psychic questions that will help sort out your own feelings so you can make a clear choice. So you might explain to the psychic your problem or issue and have the psychic ask you questions and help you sort out your options and you might see a clear path from that so you can proceed under your own choices with more confidence.
In summary, your money for a reading is best spent asking the psychic for real guidance based on their true talents rather then asking "crystal ball" questions which have less reliability for accuracy.
February 16, 2011
Missing Peace TV Series that I co-star in has launched its first full episode. The episode can be viewed on the Missing Peace website and is about our work to solve the Brandon Evans murder case in San Francisco.
February 13, 2011
I am launching this Blog page as a way for me to express my ideas, views, and news.
All articles, entries, and information written above are the opinions of Brian and are not guaranteed factually correct. Nobody should rely on the above information in regards to their medical or emotional treatment.
Click on the above photo to listen to Brian's Radio interview "Do or Not Do, There Is No Try" on the World Puja Network
Click on the above photo to listen to Brian's radio interview "Re-inventing the wheel" on the World Puja Network
Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA