Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA
Are you looking for new leads in a cold murder case?
Are you looking for leads in a missing persons case?
Do you want more information, either factual or spiritual, regarding a lost loved one?
Brian can help by:
Using his psychic abilities to examine your cold murder case and provide you with his impressions
Using his psychic abilities, provide you with information or leads in a missing persons case
Possibly feature your cold murder case or missing persons case on his TV show Missing Peace
Brian is available for work on cold murder cases and missing person cases. Brian has experience using his psychic abilities to assist families and law enforcement in coming up with new leads in the effort to solve difficult cases or locate loved ones.
Brian can work on-site or off-site, depending on your location.
On-site generally consists of Brian meeting with you to discuss the case. He will need a general description of the case or person. Then he may ask additional questions. In an on-site case Brian will most likely want to personally visit the scene of the crime. It is also very helpful to provide Brian with objects that are very personal to the victim or places very personal to the victim such as their home etc. Brian will then attempt to get impressions and information about the case or person using his abilities and will provide all information to you. Most of his information will come either during the initial interview or during the site visits. Sometimes information comes after his visit with you, but often you may receive information before his visit with you is over.
Off-site generally consists of Brian talking to you on the phone or through email. You would provide all of the same information as above, except will instead need to provide photos of the victim and perhaps the location or other photos he may request. Then after reviewing what you provided him, Brian will get back to you on his impressions which he received using his abilities.
Due to the nature of the horrible losses involved, his rates are very modest and reasonable in an effort to help the victims and their family.
Brian can provide the above services individually or team up with other psychics he works with to provide you with addition information. Also, it is possible your case could be featured on his TV show Missing Peace only if you are interested in this, otherwise all work is confidential as always.
On-site cases can be local to Brian in the Los Angeles area or Brian can travel if expenses are compensated. Off-site cases can be anywhere.
Contact Brian with any questions or to set up a meeting.
Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA