Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA
If you are interested in meeting with Brian Hunter, please email him at
Please provide the general nature of your issue and your general location. All initial inquiries are kept confidential including your identity.
Rates are flexible and depend on if you are requesting personal meetings, phone meetings, or email chats
In general, Brian offers personal counseling reading sessions at your home or place of your choice at the rate of $200 for the first hour and $100 for each additional hour or fraction thereof. If the location is outside of the Hollywood/Beverly Hills area, a small additional charge may apply. Then if you decide to meet with Brian further, the on-going rate/compensation will be discussed.
There are also low monthly rates available for regular email contact and consultation for certain services
Payments can be made in person or on the Payment Page.
You also acknowledge that Brian is not a doctor, physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, and is not a licensed counselor or care giver. Brian does not replace any qualified professional medical help that you may need and indeed you should seek such licensed professional help if and when needed. You hold Brian harmless from any advice given or not given.
The form below is optional. You may also just email
Your name, contact information, and nature of your inquiry is always kept confidential.
Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA