Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA
Brian Hunter's goal is to Listen, Understand, and Help. Psychic abilities, deep personal experiences, and a strong desire to help others can often be an effective alternative in helping others to feel better and solve problems. It's done in a highly personalized, comfortable, and confidential way usually in your home or a place of your choosing.
Brian offers chat sessions where you can get min-readings, or talk about any topic you want, or ask any questions you want. Currently there is a discount plan where you can get 3 separate 30 minute chats for INQUIRE or 3 60 minute chats for INQUIRE. You can use each chat whenever you want(subject to his availability) and can talk about what you want.
Brian is now offering both email and phone psychic readings of guidance. The readings can focus on any areas or issues of concern that you are experiencing or have questions. Brian also offers Discount Email Readings, Past Life Readings, and Dream Analysis Readings
Brian offers medical intuitive and healing work as an addition to your standard health care. Brian's assistance does not take the place of professional medical help and traditional medicine. However, Brian has in the past intuited or found critical ideas and issues which doctors may have missed. Brian uses a combination of psychic ability, connection to Saint entity energies, general medical knowledge, and custom research, in order to help you. Brian's "Working With The Saints" Page might be of interest to you.
Brian relates to young people very well and can often make a connection which parents and other "professionals" are often unable to. Teens need someone who will listen and understand them before any issues can be resolved and Brian aims to do this through teen counseling, teen depression counseling, sexual orientation counseling, and many other teen issues. Brian also offers psychic development sessions to help young people discover and development their psychic abilities. Brian works with beginners and advanced prodigies.
Brian can help you sort out your goals, strengths, weaknesses, fears, and obstacles to help you on your path to success or even act as a life coach. I have a couple of great packages for this such as my "Constant Contact Email Service" and my "Jumbo Discount Package"
Brian can provide informal and confidential pre-treatment and post-treatment counseling to assist in discussing addictions, considering options on dealing with the struggle, and support in preventing relapse.
Brian learned early on as a child that he had the ability to communicate with animals. His first communication was with a deer in the woods who showed him which direction was back home. Brian can use his empathic abilities to communicate with your pet for a variety of reasons.
Brian strives to provide very personalized help in many areas. Please contact to inquire about any issues not mentioned above.
"You cannot truly understand someone's pain unless you've cried their tears."
"Rather than telling you what choice to make, a good counselor gives you the insight you need to make better choices on your own"
"Problems are knots that need to be picked at from different angles until it breaks loose"
"Loneliness can be cured with love"
"Death is nature's way of shedding an old or diseased body so that the spirit can be free and thrive. Death is not the end. It's the start of a new beginning. Take my hand and don't be afraid"
"We are less afraid of things after we understand them better"
"Just because you don't believe does not mean it isn't true"
"There is always hope, but sometimes we need help finding it"
"I often find listening to be more helpful then talking"
"Rather than judge, I try to understand"
"I would take away all your pain if you gave me the power to do so"
"Some think I am smart, but I only know so much cause I have failed so often"
"Peace comes with understanding"
"Be very careful of your choices but don't be afraid to make them"
"Actions you take today can make for a better tomorrow"
"Don't let others define who you are"
"Psychics don't solve cases. Psychics provide the missing piece which investigators then use to solve cases"
Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA