Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA
At the request of some, Brian has agreed to provide psychic readings of guidance.
If you provide some basic background information on yourself and your issues in question, Brian will use his abilities to gain psychic impressions which may be helpful, enlightening, or interesting regarding your issues and questions at hand. Additionally, sometimes other information comes to light which Brian will provide you with also. Brian does not make things up just to answer your specific questions, so if there is nothing there on a certain specific question, then he will be honest about that and give all the other information he did receive on that or other issues, or will give you free credit to ask another question. He can only provide you with the information he receives from the energies, but with all that said, he will try to focus on your requested issues at hand.
His readings are meant to provide guidance and suggested direction in your areas of question.
Brian does not use astrology, numerology, hand palms, or any things like that. His readings are based on pure energy and psychic talent. Honest and unpolished.
However, Brian does offer the option of drawing some tarot cards if requested.
Email Reading-----------------------$125
30 minute Phone Reading--------$125
60 minute Phone Reading--------$199
Reading fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable. Please submit payment via Paypal here.
Expect your reading anywhere from 1 hour to 10 days after you request it.
To request a reading, please enter your info below. Most important is you obviously provide some basic background info on your area of concern so Brian has something to focus into in getting you some psychic impressions on your issue. Brian will also most likely need a photo of any person at issue such as you or a deceased. You can email that here.
Brian Hunter Helps
Los Angeles, CA